
...wee pairty today at the StirlingReidos pad with family. It was a lovely afternoon. Life is so busy and before you know it months have passed since everyone was all together. It was good to share time today with family under the one roof. More laughing and times gone by remembered.

We really enjoyed having folk over this weekend. We don’t do it often enough. Must change that.

Shortly before our wee gathering MrR and I nipped down to the Church to look at the beautiful flower arrangements on display as part of our Christmas Flower Festival. We are blessed to have many talented individuals in our congregation.

The flower arrangements were beautiful...I’ve so many photos on my phone but going with the Sunday Club display as my blip. Our Carol was “Oh Christmas Tree” and the children of the Sunday Club made all the decorations from pine cones or old wooden curtain rings.

Grateful for time today spent with family and grateful for our Church community.

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