Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Rebuilding Christchurch

After 4 months away, it is good to see that the re-build of our earthquake-damaged city is progressing, albeit slowly. Some of my overseas friends are saying 'things must be more or less back to normal by now?' but 2 years on, we're still pulling the city down! This is the old railway station, which is on my route to many places, as we live in the east of the city and most current activity is now in the less badly damaged west.

Today I decided I must stop for a shot before it all disappeared, and then went into the central city, parts of which are still cordoned off, to see what was going on there. It was hard to get my bearings as so many formerly familiar landmarks have gone. I saw the Anglican Cathedral for the first time in two years, still partially intact. There is controversy over whether it should be restored or not, expense and utility versus history and nostalgia.

Today I feel constrained for the first time by the one image a day restriction. I don't have very good images of the devastation (and the beginnings of the rebuild), but it is a challenge to present the story in a single image. I started to think about how I might do that.

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