About ready to roll!!!

Case packed...just under weight :0). Carry-on luggage ....only allowed 5kgs and the bag with my laptop and camera is a bit over!! Hope they don't ask to weigh it !!!

I have even taken my bridge camera because it is lighter than the Nikon, plus lens, plus bag etc

Choice of airline and carry-on baggage allowance will be a consideration in future, now that I have upgraded from a compact camera!!

My next blip should be from the Media Village apartments in the Olympic complex in Beijing!! I hope we have a view of the Birds Nest Stadium from our window. The blurb says that there is internet connection, so I hope to be able to blip every day. Not sure how much time there will be to look at everyone's journals and comment, but if I get behind I will catch up when I get back home and my brain cells have adjusted to GMT.

This is the point of my travels where I think "what am I doing? What have I forgotten?" We will have fun, we always do!!

I have promised B that I will be careful what I photograph. We were in Tiananmen Square 6 years ago and my "happy snappy" habits resulted in a few words from a man in a uniform!!! No idea what he said, but I did smile very nicely and showed him a selection of my earlier pictures before switching off my camera!!!

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