Five things

By fivethings


1. This is the sky about half seven this morning. Waking up to this is a good way to start the day.

2. If people can listen to music, read, feed children or put make up on on the train, I don't see why I can't rehearse my presentation. Walking up to work though I get in step with someone who can't help but notice that I am animatedly talking to my imaginary audience.

3. So things seem to be taking a very positive turn at work. I have been wallowing and taking comfort in that. It's a good thing to move out of one mindset in to another.

4. Sometimes tasks just sit there, looking at you, waiting for you to get your arse in gear and tackle them. I've had a little pile like that on my desk for ages now. Today I make a bit of dent in them.

5. Seems like the kind of day to go to the dentist.

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