Five things

By fivethings

I once knew a girl, or should I say...

1. What a terrible photo. It wasn't really the kind of day that lends itself to taking pictures. It starts with an away day, the only benefit being that it's in a different office, in a different part of town, which means an early walk in the sunshine.

2. I storm up the road, totally deflated, but pick up a nice lunch to calm me down.

3. There then follows a truly exceptional conversation that changes everything. I realise that my comfort zone is tested by hearing good things about myself.

4. My presentation for Tuesday is done and uploaded and I feel so much better about it all. I feel like I have been lurching in and out of my comfort zone from minute to minute all day. It's been pandemonium.

5. This bad photo is my burger from above. The evening ends much later with a very sweet Japanese film called Norwegian Wood.

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