A bird in the hand, is worth two in the bush.

It rained heavily all morning, so I did the cleaning. We had soup for lunch, and we were both suffering a bit with cabin fever, so we went out for a drive. The light was really poor, but I just managed to take the one photo. When we got home, our g/daughter phoned to tell us she had got a 2-1 for her classroom assessment,  which she did last week in Uni. She was a bit worried about it, because the exam was forty minutes, and she didn't mange to finish.  She thought she would be marked down but it  was obviously quality, over quantity. She has another essay to submit by Friday, but the great result she had today, gave her the boost she needed. It's her final year, and every result counts for her degree, She is aiming for a 2-1, and I have every confidence she will do it.

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