Sankta Lucia

Mum had set the alarm, so we woke up before dawn and regrouped to the sofa to watch the Lucia celebration on TV. You're supposed to eat saffron buns and gingerbread cookies, but we didn't have that. Mum had hot chocolate and I got to open my Advent calendar so it was OK. It was very cosy, listening to all the traditional Lucia and Christmas songs.

And when we went outside, guess what we saw? A real Lucia, in a white gown and with candles in a crown and with maids and a Santa for company! Mum said they had probably been singing at the care home and were on their way to the preschool. I could have joined in! I had all the gear, and everyone who knows me knows that I can sing!

Even more snowmen had popped up. I wonder when we will make this year's snow poodle...

About Lucia:

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