St Agnes Fountain Set

Ultimately got to a meeting in Rugby, 30 minutes late owing to the inability of the rail network to run to time. The 7.03 train from Bearsted was 13 minutes late leaving loosing another 8 minutes on the way leaving me 18 minutes to get across London to Euston.

There are always crowds going down to the underground platform, two trains came and went that I couldn’t get on. The third was held in the station. As a result I got to Euston at 9.05, two minutes after my train went.

The next train was a stopper arriving in Rugby 4 minutes before the next Fast. Had a taken the stopper it would have been cheaper as it was off-peak!

Anyway, the meeting went well, they liked what I’ve been doing on the IT policy. Good lunch and an excellent journey home. Leaving Rugby at 2.30 and getting into Bearsted at 17.00.

Which was a good job as at 6.00pm we were on our way to see St Agnes Fountain at the Cathedral Lodge in Canterbury. They’re a group of well known folk musicians who have come together for a Christmas tour for the past 17 years: Julie Matthews, Christine Wiles, David Hughes and the inimitable Chris Leslie. It’s a mixture of songs, carols and readings which is very entertaining and original; setting carols to contemporary tunes such as Tears for Fears.

Can anyone guess where their name comes from?

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