Life and me

By CarolineL

Golden Bay

We set out early and caught a bus to Golden Bay which is in  the north-western corner of the island, about an hour or so. It'a good regular and reliable and easy to work out bus system, if crowded and bumpy, and lurching to a stop every minute or two. We felt we'd had an authentic experience at least.
From the bus we saw a more rural side of Malta. It looked as though nearly every square metre is made use of and under cultivation of some kind. Acres of polytunnels, fields of cloches, many vineyards, olives, and lots of fields of vegetables of all kinds. No sign of any animals, and no wild birds, or not that I could see from the bus anyway. 
The beach was beautiful. The weather was fantastic. Fred loved it, getting his toes kissed by the bubbles, and throwing stones into the sea.
I was surprised to see and hear no gulls or seabirds of any kinds. There were only small flocks of sparrows cleaning up any crumbs that got dropped.
We had dinner out in the open looking at the sea before negotiating the two bus rides home again. 

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