Extra Ordinary

By PhilippaJ

More candles

I wasn't expecting to be blipping cake and candles again today. Jay can't eat cake cos of his dodgy tum, but Will's best friend and his sister popped this round on their way to school this morning.

In other cake news, Will was "not allowed" to eat the little bit of yesterday's cake he took in his lunch box. No doubt the child next to him enjoyed a bag of crisps and a penguin without challenge. Bloody first school and their bloody rules. I wonder what they did about the boy who turned up last week by himself, with no jumper and one slice of bread in a plastic bag for his food for the day?

And while we are at it, why do the middle school insist Daisy still reads out loud to me???? In year six, grrrrrr.

Oh dear, I wasn't meant to be ranting. Happy Birthday, Jay xx

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