Ahhh, they love each other really....

Despite an excellent front to persuade the entire world otherwise.

Jay's birthday, a tricky one for me because he cant eat cake which always leaves me somewhat at a loss on how to actually celebrate it. Bit of a one trick pony I am when it comes to birthdays. I have cooked him duck legs instead.

Rainy, rainy day, my hair looks gorgeous now as a result. Went to the final planned high school tour, I think we have an ordered list of schools and we have to leave it now in the lap of the admissions office until March (5 months away - really, how long does it take to organise a few lists?)

I tried to send a parcel to America today. The laughing post office man told me it would cost £54. Those shares arent worth a penny, I tell you if that is the best they can offer.....

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