Old Lens

Spent the morning taking my Dad for his cataract operation.No room in the waiting room so I sat in Costa for a couple of hours and caught up with Blip.He was out by lunch time and I missed everyone finishing work for Christmas.
A visit this afternoon from Em and then I went and picked Becky up from work.She had had a rough day work and I didn't help by cursing how stupid most people are.

In the pic is one of our cats.I have been trying old lenses from the film era on my Nikon and I like the feel they give perhaps making digital less clinical and more filmic.Put the image into LR a couple of tweaks but gave the clarity and sharpening sliders a wide berth.Finished in Silver Efex.

A sunny morning and a few sunny spells this afternoon.A lot of rain last night and the roads flooded.A cold night forecast.

If interested looks better large.

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