
Here I am out on my sun terrace at 7.45pm. I'm listening??!!

I'm listening to see if I can hear any other doggies in the neighbouring houses barking. ......................I can't.

The trouble with living in a 'holiday location' is that half the properties where I live are 'holiday lets'.

Ann has had an email from one of the 'holiday let owners' to say that her visitors have complained about dogs constantly barking and have we heard anything? One of the other properties has new long term tenants in and when the dogs first moved in, a couple of weeks ago, the dogs woofed when we walked past their house. Now they've got used to us we haven't heard a peep out of them. We usually have our sun terrace door open so that I can go in and out as I please, and we haven't heard them barking.

Sometimes holiday makers drive us mad?! What would they do at home if they had woofing dogs next door?

................Apparently the visitors are threatening to move..................and no doubt will be demanding a huge amount of compensation?!!

Get a life holidaymakers................

St Ives is NOT a holiday complex!!

OK rant over?!!

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