Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

I'm lovely too?!

Today Ozzy (my gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend) & I have been to the beach twice. This morning we went to Porthmeor Beach and this afternoon we went to Porth Kidney Sands. It was fun!

But do you know what? ................ Two lots of people said to Ann, 'What a lovely retriever you've got!' ........................... Duh?! Have I suddenly become invisible?

Of course I also think Ozzy is lovely - he wouldn't be my boyfriend if I didn't think that. But how insensitive to single him out and just ignore me. What do people think I am? - Some common little collie, with no pedigree and no feelings?!

I am upset. It's not my fault I'm not a 'pedigree' dog.

However, Ann has reassurred me that I am the 'best dog in the world' as far as she is concerned and I know that she will always, always love me. Also lots of other people love me too. After all how many other doggies can say they've got 320 subscribers on BLIP?

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