In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


It's 4.52am.
I am in a single bed at my mum's because of the stupid o'clock Aberdeen v Hibs game today. I stay here when there is an early kick off. I will get 5 hours sleep instead of 3.
This was left in my taxi a few hours ago.
I picked up this fairly drunk, but ok guy. He was carrying what looked like a rolled up fleece or something similar. He stopped off at the bank to get cash out. On arriving at his destination, he couldn't find the money and was going to pay by card. The £20 note,however had fallen on the floor he couldn't remember going to the bank.

After he got out and disappeared into his house, no idea which one, I noticed the fleece on the back seat. In further examination I discovered it was not a fleece, but a single, high-heeled, over the knee ladies boot. Just one.
It's not even Xmas yet, too early for first footing.

I left it on the wall in the adjacent car park.

So, nothing like an off kilter Blip and taxi tale for my 2,500th consecutive Blip.

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