The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Ice Breaker

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I went for a walk with Murphy this morning. It was really icy so I took a different route home via Blackford pond. To my horror, Murphy told a flying leap onto the pond and then I heard a fairly chilling crack as the ice gave way under his back paws. He managed to get out straight away but I’m pretty sure I had a heart attack in that split second.

I then toddled into town and finished my Christmas shopping. Yippee. With 11 days to go. This has NEVER happened to me before. I should probably stop acting as if the people who work in shops are therapists. I heard myself telling one girl that it’s quite stressful coming up with ideas for the Mini Princesses this year and could she possibly help me decide which one of the 18 tops I had dragged over would be best. For a girl she has never met. Whilst not giving a flying.

In the evening, we had our team Christmas night out. We went to Iris for dinner and then to Bon Vivant and the Hanover Tap. Unusually, for a Christmas night out, I didn’t end up in Fingers absolutely @rseholed at the end of night. I think I still had the fear from the previous week. I even refused the shots! It was really good fun. The atmosphere at work has been really bad due to a lot of management politics and I think everyone needed to let their hair down. I got an Uber for the worst casualty of the evening and had give my assurance that he wouldn’t be sick in the taxi!


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