The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Surprising Afternoon

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I had something to check for work today but to my huge irritation, I had restarted my machine when I left on Wednesday so I couldn’t remotely log on to my pc and had to physically go into the office. I was quite amused when I received an email receipt for the person I had poured into a Uber the previous evening which showed a map of the journey. Despite my best efforts to look out for him, he hadn’t actually gone home but had taken a detour via the West Port. At a bar where the ladies like to dance. For cash. Bet he was glad that he had used my Uber account!

There were a few day after casualties and someone suggested going to the pub for a couple at lunchtime. I accidentally stumbled out 4 hours later as I had to be home for Youngest Mini Princess and her friends who were staying (and to do my best impression of a sober person)!


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