Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


After my hot/cold marathon walk yesterday, I developed a wee bit of a cough. I was hot and steaming inside my coat and hat, and yet it was too cold to have it open. When I did take my hat off now and again, my head froze. All this was not good for my delicate constitution. But fortunately, the cough wore off as the day wore on, but it was enough to dissuade me from getting hot and sweaty on the bike (not that I ever get hot and sweaty on the bike!)

Elizabeth came to take Archie out for his much anticipated walk. I tried to get a shot, but he's like a swirling crying mad dog. He met a Schnauzer called 'Rudolph' And he answered to that!

We popped to the north of the city to visit a couple of pals in one fell swoop. This is normally quite a tedious journey through traffic, but we shot straight through the middle of town (stopping at the appropriate lights) nae bother at a'.

We were back home in time to pop to Black Ivy for drinkies. We found a table that wasn’t near the speakers, and the place was buzzing, though, sadly, the table tennis tables were occupied.

Pizza and bingeing on The Crown this evening, without Anne, who will have to watch the remaining episodes in the US, as she's too busy before she flies out.

I think, perhaps, a medicinal whisky is called for this evening.

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