
I went into town this afternoon to buy stamps for Christmas cards, I didn’t have to queue at all. I just need to write them all now and catch up. We were going to have a very quiet Christmas but I have managed to persuade my Husband that we can accommodate my eldest son and family with their golden retriever for a couple of days between Christmas and New Year. We have wooden floors and my husband was worried about damage to the floor. We have compromised on a solution to keeping the dog in our kitchen and putting a protective layer on the floor. They only drive over from Switzerland once a year and this is the first time the issue has arisen. They need to persuade the dog to jump in and out of the car. He freezes and my son has to lift him in and out. I am now up to date with loading blips as I got behind the last couple of days, this is our local fishermen on the beach with watching gulls. They always put the flag up when they have fish on sale.

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