"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas"

Up earlyish (and feeling surprisingly fresh) for what was supposed to be breakfast at the Exmouth Arms but their chef had called in sick, meaning that I had to make do with a coffee or two there and wait until I was on Virgin's Pendolino to get something to eat. 

I don't know the difference between the west coast line and the route between Euston and Manchester but it's much less likely to induce sea-sickness when I'm working, so I had quite a productive day, arriving back into Chorley in the afternoon, whence the Minx and I went to get a Christmas tree for her house. 

I'll spare you the suspense; we didn't get one (as the Minx thought they were too expensive). We did have a mooch around the garden centre, though, which had one of these little model Christmas towns. I never expect to spare them more than a glance but I seem to find them hugely absorbing. 

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