My Newly Coiffed Christmas Haircut...

An early dash to the hairdressers and I’m now sporting my newly coiffed Christmas hairstyle. The bonus of the early start, along with the empty post-office, easy parking and quiet roads is the lovely morning light.

This afternoon I was in York for last minute shopping and most importantly collecting Eldest from the train station for his Christmas break. York was really buzzing and I wished I had my big camera as there were so many fabulous buskers and performers. In the extras is a rocking local skiffle band called Hyde Family Jam and the lead singer Sam is also in a band called The Howl & The Hum who we have seen play a few times....he’s a real local talent.

Thank you for all your concern yesterday, Sushi seems to have made a full recovery (unless he wants sympathy or doesn’t want to do chores, then his limp mysteriously reappears!)

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