shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Indecisive/cheating blip

Sorry, couldn't decide which shot to blip, so went for the lot! The top left was George Square as I went for the train this morning, the top right and bottom left are train views as the colour faded (the mono shot is mono by my choice, colour had not faded completely from the world, it just looked very bland next to the others, so I decided to try it in mono and liked it. The bottom right is the view from my flat this evening, I loved the leaves stuck to the cars and the black and orange.

Mum saw the neurosurgeon today and is getting her operation on the 30th of October, all prayer appreciated! The physio is proved right and she does have 2 prolapsed discs, but they will only be putting one back for the moment, getting it fixed should deal with the worst of the pain and then I think Mum should be able to do more exercise and the other will sort itself out. The surgeon did warn her that there would be more back pain in the short term, as her body won't like being operated on, but we really hope the operation is a success and she gets her life back in the long run! Apparently this surgeon has an 80% success rate for this operation, which is a bit higher than average. My new task is to go and get Mum some new nighties for her brief hospital stay (2 nights they hope).

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