
By CharlotteJ

Greg the Grass Hopper

We were up and out at 05:30 this morning and drove 1.5hrs to Tin Can Bay to see wild dolphins....a pod of dolphins visit the area every morning for 3kg of fish.  3kgs of fish doesn't stop them being wild or dependent on humans.   Fascinating to see them.  I thought a Dolphin photo would be my blip.

After Dolphins we drove to Rainbow beach but just before we got to the beach I asked Chris to stop the car as I saw a photo opportunity (typical blipper!).  Without thinking I jumped out of the car only to quickly discover the ground beneath me was on a rocky slope.  My feet went out from underneath me and I landed rather heavily on my bum!  Of course, I put my hands out to stop myself and for a moment I thought I had broken a wrist…thankfully not!  My camera wasn’t around my neck, it was in my hand when I jumped out of the car.  My camera took a tumble too but thankfully it didn’t break, and the lens was fine but there is a little bit of chipping to the body of the camera.    Chris picked me up and literally dusted me off and drove me to a café to get a cuppa!!  Silly moo I am!!!!  I have jarred my back, my collarbone feels a bit sore and so do my wrists but other than feeling a little sore with a bruise appearing on the back of my right leg I am OK…nothing is broken and the same is said for the camera!!

After such excitement, we had breakfast and then headed back home where I discovered on a bush on the drive this grass hopper.  I've called him Greg.

Afternoon was spent by the sea having a walk to loosen my aches and now we are chilling by the pool with our laptops catching up on work and blipping of course!

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