Minster 2017

Her first performance with the school choir. 
She also performed with the Y5 recorders (she's in y3). 
She was fab! 

Today the Y3 children have also sung in Tesco's to raise money for charity and had their Christmas party. I don't think they've done any work today. I am pretty sure none of the staff or children intend there to be any work this week at all. The head today said "it's been the longest term in the history of the world" and everyone seems to be of the mind this week should purely be for Christmas fabulousness. And I'm jolly glad. It absolutely should be! I am quite sad she's at school until Friday, that doesn't give us the time for festive adventures we would usually enjoy. But, she's very much enjoying all the wonderful things the school are doing to fill the week. Each day is quite exciting at the moment! 

There's an extra today. I couldn't see her when they began playing as she could only see me if she stood right on her tiptoes and lent on someone! 

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