School run

We walk to school every day in winter- we cycle the rest of the time. The last week was so crazy that we didn't manage to do that at all, we had to use the car every day for various reasons. We love our walk, she cheered when I said we would walk today. We found this fabulous house decoration on the way home!

She went to sing in Tescos again today- this time with the school choir. The store staff declared them to be so good that they deserved rewards and gave them all an elf hat! The school staff also gave them all chocolates on their return to school.

She had a birthday party after school. She misses a lot of them and is ok about it but she was very pleased to make this one. The thing I loved when dropping her off was that nearly all the children at the party where friends she's known since preschool. They were a nice bunch of friends in nursery, and have stayed friends but they've all come back quite firmly together recently.

After the party we picked up Lydi. Her and her family were coming to see Katie's tree and vote on their favourite baubles! We don't usually do any of this kind of thing after school, it made a nice change.

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