Monday: UBC

Luckily for me, two meetings I was supposed to have this morning were cancelled. I say luckily as I was able to use the time to do some catching up.

One thing I had to do was go and pay an invoice at the Vancouver Poppy Fund. I've had to go there once before and, I have to say, the woman who works there must be one of the surliest people I've ever met. Last time, she was wearing a t-shirt that said: 'Do I look like I'm a people person?'. Today, she was wearing one that said: 'I may be wrong but I very much doubt it'. I wished her a nice break over the holidays, to which she just said: 'Yeah'.........

I took this shot out at UBC where I had a meeting this afternoon. As its closer to come home, I worked from home for a few hours afterwards but our work IT is so rubbish it's hard to get anything done on our rubbishy mobile laptops.

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