'Bubble-gum Swirl' and Ruby the Cavapoo

Today the flooring man came to fit 'Bubble-gum Swirl' flooring in our new refurbished bathroom. Now it's all finished. Yay!  We have been very busy since we came back to St Ives and now there is only one more thing left to do on our 'to do' list; and that's for me to go to the vets for my annual check up.  We're off to see Jonathan, (the nicest vet in the world) tomorrow.

This evening Ruby (the puppy Cavapoo – see extras) and her very lovely owner, Heather, came round for dinner. Well, actually that's a bit of a lie. The humans had dinner. I had to have early dinner because Ann was worried that if she gave me my dinner while Ruby was here I might be horrible to her because I have a bit of a possessive eating disorder.

…..............But do you know what?........................ I was the bestest behaved little collie ever. I didn't go mad when she had a drink of my water, I didn't go mad when Ann gave her a couple of my toys to play with and I didn't go mad when she got a dental stick and I didn't. In fact Ann couldn't believe what a perfect hostess I was........................

….............And after Ruby had gone home Ann gave me loads of cuddles and told me I was the best little collie in the world. Puppy watch is exhausting though. Now I'm fast asleep and snoring really loudly so Ann's having to post my Blip for me.

Goodnight all. xxx

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