The New Kitchen
In response to a query from yesterday about the new look of the innards of the microwave, I am taking the lazy way out of blipping today and am showing you the entire kitchen. It was a bit of a saga in truth. A job which was supposed to take 2 to 3 days eventually took a month due to the suppliers sending wrong parts/ sending too few parts etc. Actually it isn't quite finished yet. The LED lights for under the cupboards only just arrived and can wait now until after Christmas.
Oh, by the way, you will notice that rascal of a Tonttu sitting in the centre of the hob. I reprieved him from the microwave having taken advice from you lot buthe's still mucking about. He has Santa along for company too!
- 7
- 0
- Canon EOS 60D
- 1/161
- f/4.5
- 11mm
- 400
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