Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Do the Hokey Cokey

Did my gym'n'swim session the other way round today - that worked better. Though I wore a hat and a gilet in the gym (it's very cold), it's better than coming in from the warm pool area. I managed 10 minutes on the cross trainer too. And I worked up a bit of a sweat on it!

The pool was absolutely mobbed. The mums and babies were at one end (with the trainer yelling out 'Do the Hokey Cokey' endlessly), toddlers with arm bands at the deep end, a lane of fast swimmers in the middle and crowds of assorted folk trying to swim in the rest of the pool. Didn’t bother me though - all I wanted to do was flap around hanging on to the rails or sit on the steps cycling my legs in the water.

I met my ex-acupuncturist who asked after my knees, and on being told the sad tale, claimed he could 'fix' hamstrings with needles. He'd just been back to China to find out about it. Sorry, I think the only way they can get better is if I do the proper exercises.

When I came home, the neighbour popped in for a coffee and filled us in on his holiday plans. Then JR went shopping (again) to collect the turkey from M&S, and I took Archie to the Links, the long way round, sitting on walls to rest many times. I then came back and fell asleep on the sofa. I was stuffed very tired.

I managed to rouse myself enough to pop down the road to visit Rufus and his mum and to deliver their Christmas parcels as they're heading up north tomorrow.

Rufus and Archie kindly obliged with a festive pose. Thanks boys!

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