An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Losing Focus...

I sort of ground to a halt today but I am not stressing about it because (whisper it) I actually think I am organised, and if I do the last of what needs done tomorrow, I do believe we will have a relaxed and stress free Christmas Eve.  Unheard of! 

Just to pop to a local gift shop tomorrow to get a little something to take to friends on 30th when we go for dinner, a quick pop into the butchers to confirm the steak pie order for New Year's Day, then popping down to Agnes and Adrian's with their Christmas gifts as we won't see them till Hogmanay (that's a lot of popping!  :-))  Also hoping Ashleigh can do my nails (it's very handy that Alan has a PA who is also a trained manicurist :-)  She couldn't this morning as she had horrible morning sickness.

Tesco is due to deliver my Christmas food shopping between 11am and noon and the rest of the day's plans could all go to pot if they let me down and can't deliver all that I've ordered.  We might be having a panic trip to the local Coop! 

Alan was off out again with Rachel this afternoon.  They went tenpin blowing in Dunfermline.  Apparently the place was mobbed.  How envious I am of all these carefree individuals who have time for 10 pin bowling three days before Christmas :-)

I am in a retro mood this year and I am currently debating whether to buy a bottle of Warninks Advocaat to make snowballs on Christmas day.  A real blast from the past :D  

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