From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Wild horses

Mr G. had an impromptu day off today. For reasons too long and complicated to go into here, we decided to take the little Gs down to have a mooch around the New Forest. A round trip of just over 4 hours. We got very lucky with the weather, and had a lovely stroll on the heath near Lyndhurst, pottered briefly in Brockenhurst, more extensively in Sway (where this picture was taken) and rounded it off with tea by the harbour in Lymington. Having completely neglected to blip anything yesterday (it was a very grey and boring day, with little to inspire me, rounded off by a playgroup AGM in the local pub which was actually quite good fun - not many blip opportunities though!) today I was utterly spoilt for choice. With a bit of judicious cropping, this picture just about sums up our day. The children absolutely loved the wild ponies wandering about all over the place, and Mr G and I thoroughly enjoyed the trees, and the views and the sunshine. All in all a top day.

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