Great Blippish Bake Off 2017

Oh Lord....I hope Im not too late!!!!

So after a full on day at work yesterday, chasing children around a restaurant and then going to the Circus that I probably would have enjoyed if there were no children, I came home to Ice my cake ready for the Great Blippish Bake Odd hosted by JazzyB ready for what I thought was the big day tomorrow (except its today as this is a Back Blip!)

I spent a good few hours with my packets of icing, desperately trying to get Mr W to join me in trying to get Festive but ended up sitting there on my own having alot of fun making my Elf!

I did take these shots yesterday as a Practice for the Big day, so I hope LadyG the judge will accept my late entry.

So here you have my Entry for 2017. Its a bought cake, but I put the marzipan on myself and the icing design is all mine with just a little bit of help from Google Images!!!

Happy Christmas everyone and apologies again for my lateness -I blame the cough!


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