ChristmaSki Day 5

We have decided to have a local ski pass for the next 4 days so we can get to grips with familia runs.

Mr W decided to ditch the ski's as it was causing too much pain on his old joints so instead, opted for an "up and down" pass which just allowed him to go - well - up and then down the mountain, but it was only the once. I thought it might be unlimited.

Emily gained her confidence on the green run and was happy enough to go it alone - even when she fell off the drag lift!

Josh did amazingly and actually conquered a blue run with Sophie, Sam and myself, despite falling several times!!! Mr W and Emily went back down the mountain on the gondola, took a bus 2 stops then Emily came back up the mountain in a bubble while Mr w waited for me at the bottom. 

We got to a really steep bit on the run where I thought I'd be better sliding down on my bottom so took my ski's off and sat down. One ski then slid off (at speed) ahead of me and I then slid off (at speed) infront of my other ski!!! Sophie then came to my rescue but as soon as I stood up, I sunk into the snow and face-planted!!! I was laughing too much to get up again!!! A random skier retrieved my left over ski!!!!

Here we all are on the ski lift together - the 4 Blue run muskiteers!!!!

Sam is doing great and went off on his own on several red runs and steep drag lifts! He's really enjoying his GoPro!

Then I headed back to the chalet with Mr W were we ate left over cake and popped to the shops for milk.

Once everyone was home, the girlies all headed to the hot tub donning santa hats and waited for our dinner to be cooked by our amazing Chalet chef. Cheese fondue tonight. Oh yum!!!

We really are living the dream, while my legs are feeling the burning hell!!!!

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