
Skip a few days and I'm back in Moscow. A poor performance on the camera while I was back home in Wales for a few days after my interview but it was busy busy as usual. Got my hair cut, eyes tested - all that good stuff. Caught up with friends, although not as many as I'd have liked and spent time at home. I can't say the weather was particularly kind and it was sad to see mum and dad upset at the death of a close friend when I got home, but still, it was good to be back.

Had a nice evening with Daily Post and J on Saturday night before meeting a couple of other friends who were on duty at Heathrow before I flew out on Sunday. I spent the whole time chatting instead of exploring T5! Just as well probably!!

Had Ross and Sam, Rob and Sabrina round for supper tonight - I made dinner for 5 in my minute kitchen and we had a good night, with lots of wine, vodka, chocolate cake and a board game. Oh and Obama on the telly too!

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