Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Sunday 24th Dec 2017 17:38

Sunrise – 07:39    Sunset – 17:11    Moon – Day 7
07:23    08:03    12:04
15:12    16:44    17:14

Since last Sunday, the mountains of Evvia have developed a snow glaze.

Had I not needed to download all our bank statements I would not have noticed that last January we were reimbursed a little over two thirds of Spousie's travel expenses – a process I set in motion the same day I met Martin and Anne :-) Which is nice :-)

What is not so nice is this very sad message from dear friends in Washington DC
"Yes we were extremely happy to hear the first outcome of the Alabama Senate election. However, some Republican lawyers contested the outcome and now it has become a tied result. In Alabama the method of dealing with a tie is to put both names in a hat and draw one out. The one that is drawn out wins. ??!! Very much like nursery school."

"I must admit that I find it difficult to keep my spirits up in the negative cultural atmosphere that has emerged in our country since Trump’s election. We are doing our best to be hopeful, kind and positive but sometimes it is not easy in the face of the vitriol. ( The new tax plan he is crowing about as a gift to the middle class just Increased our taxes…and we are the middle class. WTF??? ) Of course we continue to be vocal and politically active hoping to turn this tide around."

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