It’ll be Alright on the Night

I am trying to feel Christmassy as I juggle with oven times for the various parts of the meal so that everything comes together at the same time.

I tried to feel a teeny bit Christmassy as HL and I tramped through the rain and puddles on a cheerless 2mile circuit of the marches in the forlorn hope that the exercise could be banked against the excesses of later.

Every year HL and I agree to adhere to a ‘no present ‘ policy between us, and every year it is broken by one or other of us. It can be so embarrassing to be the person accepting the present and having nothing with which to reciprocate.
This year it was HL’s turn to be that person and I did not feel very Christmassy as I surveyed my piece of coal.

His Lordship did not feel so Christmassy when one of my gifts to him was a sore back in exactly the same spot as mine, but obviously so much sorer on the man scale measuring system. There was much groaning and appeals to the deity on our walk, while the smell of Tiger Balm is all pervasive in the house. Rest is what is required, or a visit to the doctor when it will disappear like magic, as has mine.

It will all turn very Christmassy when the pots are bubbling on the stove and David, Luca and granddaughter Lucy come through the door. Bring it on!

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