Comfort in a Cold Climate

Welcome to the Dower House robotic deliverer from hypothermia.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say I am going about my household tasks in a short sleeved T-shirt, but the duvet coat has been discarded......... just as long as it continues to be 11 degrees outside.

Having been in receipt of a bus pass for far to long, I can remember living in houses with no central heating where my family stayed close to the coal fire in the main room of the house as nowhere else was heated.
It wasn’t so long enough ago that kye were stabled in the room next door, but still it is possibly outwith the memory banks of more than a few blippers.

With these memories, I am well armed with several tricks to combat icy bedrooms where in the bad old times a pair of gloves was required to turn the pages of a book should one be foolhardy enough to consider reading in bed. Nowadays an electric blanket is so much more welcoming in a cold bed than a hot water bottle even if you can’t hug it, and putting the next day’s underwear under the body heated duvet is a comfort in dressing when there is frost on the inside of the window.

Tomorrow with the ovens ‘going their dinger’ so to speak, not to mention the warmth generated in opening parcels (?), I wouldn’t be surprised if we are removing cardigans next.

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