twinned with trumpton


An 0545 kick off; could have been worse, I guess. 

Tom stotted through about 45 mins later and ripping and shredding and whooping began.

We ate pancakes and tried to figure out the rules of Exploding Kittens, and answer who scored the most goals in the last World Cup, and tried on various shiny new apparel.

Eventually we got out into the rain and the sprinted the last 100 yards to their mums when they realised they had a bunch of other presents awaiting them. 

I headed into town, got soaked, changed jeans, exchanged gifts with her and then picked up the car and drove round to pick up my brother and the Spanish posse.

Safely bundled into the car, we wove through Embra and out the other side to eldest brother at Eddleston; folks were there and a brief guest appearance from youngest brother whilst fizzy stuff and nibbles were ingested. All 4 together in one place? First time in a year; second time in 3, third time in 6. Not a regular occurance.

At two, to the Scots Pine. Lunch there with nephew, nieces, great nieces, parents and most brothers. 14 in total. A decent lunch and catch up and then back to eldest brother's for mince pies, cuppa, Christmas cake and a random pinata. 

Much general chat about lots of stuff; but generally good to see everyone; before braving the dark and the wet to ferry the Spanish contingent back to Abercrombie Place and I popped in to see her; shore up tomorrow's plans and a half hour catch up.

Finally homeward via the petrol station; and the lentil and mango dal with haddock was washed down with a cold beer; dug out the winter boots and the warm socks and the heavy duty gloves and, dear reader just time to snaffle a blip and wish you all a belated Merry Christmas. I had a good day; albeit a long one. 

Tomorrow promises to be better and longer...

A view up the deserted mound which resembled a river after the steady rain of the day

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