twinned with trumpton


A day lived on shifting sands....

I set to with the final prep for Christmas; but this was curtailed by a call asking if I could fix the table. I'd seen photos the previous evening and heard a little of what had gone on, but... sheeesh....

So I sped through my stuff and went to the hardware place and grabbed some brackets and managed to snaffle some RTC baubles, a £1 candle and a jacket for Alex in Nike before spending the next two hours putting the legs back on the table.

Then to Asda; as much an exercise in getting out the house as anything but hey - whilst we're here... a pastry case and some marzipan. I live in hope of being able to fashion a pistachio and orange stollen at some point.

Surprisingly los ninos went to the cinema after an 'aye but naw but aye but naw but aye but naw' conversation that seemed to have lasted about 3 days; so we took advantage of the peace and grabbed an hour of calm at hers; before I went off to fetch the boys.

Goddamn but they were upbeat..! 
We skipped down the road (OK they did, I pushed the bike) and roast beef, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding and an apple meringue pie (like a lemon meringue pie but with apple) were put in the oven (not all at the same time) and eventually we tracked down the Pink Panther. At various points they were on the floor in hysteria before laughter gave way to yawns and off to bed they went. An hour or so of final prep and I too was off into slumber.

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