Family, Food, FeelingBetter

Rather blurry photo of everyone (except me) at the table, but will do for a memory. My son-in-law was a hero, making most of the traditional English Christmas dinner with all the trimmings in an unknown kitchen, with improvised ingredients. Mike did the turkey in the oven here, no way would it have fitted there. He is now picking over the bones for a curry tomorrow...

The priest ate with us; he brought a suckling pig for the starter, complete with head, on a platter - that part wasn't very traditional; well, it might have been in Henry VI's time, I suppose... As well as the midnight mass last night, he had celebrated two more this morning, poor guy.

Jeff had brought crackers over with the caravan (thanks to G&H), so we pulled them first, as no room on the table - a novelty for the priest. None of the jokes were translatable. After main course, we gave out our "Secret Friends" - one present each - lots of fun and kind words said.

We left the puddings, including a proper Christmas one till tonight, before which some of us had races round the main square in the damp, cold air - crazy. Not me - though am beyond happy to report that I am feeling I've turned a corner, healthwise. Must be all the prayers and best wishes you blippers have been sending my way..

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