Evidence of an otter?

John noticed this white jelly like substance by the pond yesterday, he checked on line to find it’s possibly anal jelly from an otter. Today, in the morning sunshine, I wandered around the garden to come across this lot a few meters from yesterday’s find, a better example than yesterday including what looks like the innards of something. J is not too happy to have this beautiful creature disrupting his pond, already we can see damage to a number of plants and fear for hibernating toads/frogs.

See info below.
Only 2 extras left, I have used one in the hope the colours on the larch tree caught in the morning sunshine show up as well here as with the human eye. And yes clear blue sky, what a treat.

Info fro the Internet:
Anal jelly is another clear sign of otter presence. Like spraint this is often deposited in prominent locations but is rarely mistaken for anything else. The substance itself is thought to be the mucus lining of the gut which protects from all the sharp fish bones consumed by the otter and often varies in colour from pale brown to green and in some cases amber.

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