Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Tough as teak twins...

Rufus and Aggie challenging my authority.  I told them for the umpti-dozenth time not to jump on the chair (in case they fell off).  Their response was to burst into fits of giggles and do it again.  Tough as teak?  Well if you look closely at the fearless Aggie she has a bruised eye.  Tear-arsing around the sofa at 1000 mph she fell and hit the table leg.  Squawked for 5 seconds, got up and continued the charge.

I am exhausted, I've rolled on the floor, chased the three grandchildren  around the room, cooked dinner for 11 including two eldest grandchildren who eat like horses, washed, dried and put away all the dishes and now I'm having a rest.  What, you may ask was MrsDB doing all this time?  Me too.

You have no idea what I have to put up with...

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