My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Checking for spiders?

Mrs Rossi-cat likes spending time in the bath just after L’s water has drained away. Our cats are funny sometimes.

We’ve had a quiet Boxing Day. My friend D popped over this morning for a cuppa and to see L (she adores the little walking puppy toy that D gave her).

My parents also called in briefly - mainly for my dad to take a quick look at our kitchen sink where the waste pipe has come away from the plug hole! He thinks he’ll be able to fix it later in the week. Yay! Until then, the kitchen sink is pretty much out of action.

It’s amazing to see how much L has progressed on her balance bike in just 24 hours... she is able to walk it along for a few steps on her own now before we need to hold it again. She’s a fast learner!

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