The Spreading of Wings

I really, really wish the quality of this blip was better, but have no time to go out and take photos of anything else!

We were out early this morning as Rob's football was in Stourbridge. It was a beautiful morning though and the boys played really well. Back home for a late lunch and then out for an hour to take some photos.....yes, I know, a whole hour and this was the best I could come up with!!!!!

This duck isn't the only thing spreading it's wings today though. Lucy is off out to a party tonight. It's a house party of someone from her new school. Although only local I don't know the boy who's hosting the party or any of the kids going apart from one other girl. I know there will be alcohol there although Lucy assures me she won't be drinking. Maybe I'm being naive but I do believe her....and do understand that deciding how to handle yourself in these situations is part of growing up! It doesn't make it any easier though!!!!

I shall worry until she is safely home!

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