Bath salts

Today is the day Barack H. Obama becomes our 44th president.

While watching the inauguration on T.V. this morning, I made several observations.

I realized that the more I see and hear Michelle Obama, the more I admire her. She's a strong, well-grounded woman. With that said, why does everyone care so much about what Michelle and her daughters wore today? This is a presidential inauguration, not a fashion show. The news spent more time talking about Mrs. Obama's dress than President Obama's speech. I think that the public needs to work on their priorities, and I think that Michelle Obama would agree with me.

Fox News kept filming people yawning and leaving during Obama's speech. I soon grew tired of their negative coverage, so I switched over to ABC, who were filming people looking at Obama admiringly with tears in their eyes. The media is so manipulative.

After Joe Biden got sworn into office, he hugged and kissed some people around him. When it was Obama's turn to approach him, he said, "Congratulations, man." The news did not pick it up. I read his lips. "Congratulations, man"? Our new president is amazing.

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