Christmas Day take 2!!

A very busy day. R was dropped off after her gym session this morning and we went into Lincoln to have a wander round. We haven’t been shopping together for ages and we bought a couple of things before having a coffee. I got this shot on my phone as we were about to leave.

We got home as P arrived with the girls, so B, R & P, with the 3 dogs set off for a walk. I stayed home and cooked the dinner. We had present opening between courses. It was a nice relaxing afternoon and evening. The dogs got on well together and played non-musical beds, as they swapped about.

I was shattered by the time they went home, but after a bit of a rest I’ve got this posted.

A surprise today worth sharing. I had a gift card from a department store which I thought might have expired (I’d had it for about 5 years). It was checked on a till and didn’t show any value. R bought something and I asked the assistant if he would check it again.........and it had £38 on it!!!!! Always worth trying, no matter how old it is. Better still spend it when you get it.

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