Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

We love the weekend!

I had a bad night - not Henry for a change! I had a nightmare that I was in Syria and it scared me so much I couldn't get back to sleep so I was feeling like a zombie this morning. Luckily Neil was feeling better and took Henry downstairs so I could have a bit of a lie in.

We went to a nearly new sale this morning and bought lots of books and some toys, going to try to save them for Christmas but usually I get too excited and give in early.

After a lunchtime nap Neil's sister and her partner came over for a bit, then we went for a walk - as seen on today's blip! (Please excuse my mega spot) it's been very cold today and started to rain but I took my new umbrella (one of those transparent dome ones) which Henry loved - spent ages banging it and singing to it.

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