Waiting for the traffic lights

The poor light today didn't inspire me at all to take pictures, but I saw this refection on a building while I was waiting to cross the road and I liked it.

I was off today. I didn't go out last night, but I was still feeling a bit tired when I woke up this morning after more than nine hours sleep. I reckon I must have caught a bug of some sort, but it seems to be getting better.

Not in the mood for much today really, so I had a relaxing day. I think I needed it after the last few stressful days at work. I spent a good part of this morning having a look at cameras online and reading reviews. Still undecided which one to buy though. Making decisions is not one of my strengths, I have to admit.

Some possibilities are: Canon D600 DSLR with EF 25-105mm lens, Canon D650 DSLR with EF-S 18-135mm lens (the reviews sound good) or Panasonic Lumix DMC - GH2 compact system camera with a 14-140 OIS lens (just because I have a Panasonic Lumix and I'm very happy with it).

If you've heard anything of these cameras, feel free to let me know your thoughts about them. But there are probably some others out there around the same price which I haven't seen and might be equally good or even better, who knows? Ah, decisions, decisions...

Not much more happening really. I bought some stuff for another wedding cake I'm making for November and I did some window shopping as well.

Not sure if I'll go for a drink this evening yet. We'll see!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you're all having a great and enjoyable weekend! :)

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