
By jiana

My new year card

In Japan, we have a habit to exchange new year cards with friends and relatives. In every year, our family order printed cards and send it to them, but this year I decided to make it by myself.  And this is the new year card I made.

The next year is the year of the Dog in Chinese astrology, so I drew Snoopy and wrote a phrase of New Year Greeting in it. I had bought 20 cards, and drew this picture and the typical expression. This expression means that I look forward to your continued support as before.

After finished drawing pictures in the back side of cards, I wrote the addressee's name and address on the card one after another.

But in the middle of writing, I found that I have done a mistake. The most of friends and relatives I want to send have not close friendship with me. Yes, we have only the relationship exchanging new year card for now. < I don't exchange new year cards with the new friend, we have a tendency to send message vie E-mail or Line.>

So, to my friends, the phrase that I look forward to your continued support is not suitable. I should have written that it has been a lont time since I saw you last, I hope you are doing well.What I should do? I was worried about to see 5 cards which had no addressee.
In the end, I went to the nearest post office, and asked to exchange my 5 cards to the new ones with commission.

I should write the rest ASAP, as my friends get my card in the New Year.

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