Hospital Visit

We had to get to Ninewells Hospital in Dundee this morning for my 9.10 appointment at the eye clinic.  The BBC Weather reported heavy falls of snow likely on the Sidlaws, so we left the house at 8 am.  However, as usual, the weatherfolk got it wrong and there was no snow and not even any frost on the roads all the way there, so we arrived at 8.30!  However, it's such a long walk to the actual ward that we were glad we'd allowed the extra time!  The tapestry in my photo was hanging on the wall en route to my destination and I loved its medical references:-)

The eye injection was nothing like as bad as I'd imagined it might be and all I felt was a slight pressure as the needle went in, thanks to the large doses of anaesthetic drops and dilation drops and antibiotic drops etc.
I've had none of the possible adverse reactions that were described to me by the specialist nurse, so think I have been very lucky, though time will tell whether the injections are going to be effective or not.

We were home again just after 10 am and had a very light dusting of snow, which is already beginning to melt.  We went out for a stroll around the park for some fresh air and you'll see from the Extra just how little snow we had.  I feel quite cheated when I see everyone else's snow photos:-)

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